Wednesday, June 24, 2009


Supplies Needed:
PSP X2 ( any version will work)
Font: Patriot
I'm using the artwork of Rion Vernon (Pinup Toons)
You MUST obtain a license to use his tubes.
Scrapkit: I used a freebie from the wonderful Alyssa, called
Independence Day , you can grab it from her blog here,
Mask: Vix_Mask174 can be downloaded from her site
(be sure to install mask before begining)
Lets begin:
( This is my very first tut so I hope its right)
Open new canvas 600x600
Copy and paste the blue glitter paper and apply mask,
delete mask layer and merge, add drop shadow ( settings 2,2,70,10.00)
Copy and paste red glitter paper & apply same mask and drop shadow
rotate slightly so you can see both colors.
Next, copy and paste frame 1 -> resize and postion over masks
Then copy and paste flag, postion behind frame. You'll need to erase parts of flag sticking out from behind the frame.
Next, copy and paste silver balloon w/ string to right side of frame,
duplicate, merge down, add drop shadow ( 2,2,70,10.00),
then go to Image>Mirror
do the same with both red and blue balloons also,
refer back to my tag for placement of balloons.
Copy and paste bow2, resize and postion on balloon string
(refer back to tag for placement), add drop shadow (2,2,70,10.00)
Duplicate bow, Image>Mirror
Next add your tube and copyright info to tag.
All that is left to do now is add your name
I used Patriot font > fill=white, outline stroke 1 = #0000c0
Congrats you have finished!!

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